Think Like a Hacker

Earlier in 2024 I wrote a series of blog articles talking about principles and concepts that make you a better developer. This turned into a presentation at Tableau Conference in May 2024. If you attended one of my session: Thank you and I hope you got something out of it.

  • Think like a hacker pt. 1 – Never do it more than twice!

    Keen to improve your data development skills? Start with this fundamental concept to not do things more than twice but rather refactor to make maintenance and further development easier.

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  • Think like a hacker pt. 2 – Anticipate the future!

    You probably don’t have a (working) crystal ball; however you should still anticipate what might be happening in the future when developing data assets.

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  • Think like a hacker pt. 3 – Break things!

    Do you have a little destructive voice in your head? Put it to something constructive and try to break your dashboards and workflows to make sure they are robust. I show you how .

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  • Did you learn something?
  • Did you apply some of these concepts at work?
  • Do you disagree with any of my ideas?
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