Tag: Tableau
Plot Twist: Navigating Change
Working with clients who are resistant to change is difficult. Here is an idea on how to reframe the situation to be more successful.
Think like a hacker pt. 3 – Break things!
Do you have a little destructive voice in your head? Put it to something constructive and try to break your dashboards and workflows to make sure they are robust. I show you how .
Think like a hacker pt. 2 – Anticipate the future!
You probably don’t have a (working) crystal ball; however you should still anticipate what might be happening in the future when developing data assets.
Think like a hacker pt. 1 – Never do it more than twice!
Keen to improve your data development skills? Start with this fundamental concept to not do things more than twice but rather refactor to make maintenance and further development easier.
Triangles in Data Visualisation
I recently gave a guest lecture at the University of Auckland for the Data Visualisation Students. Andrew Eberhard, the lecturer, asked me to talk about myself and my background, my job and the industry, data visualisation in general and Tableau in particular. It was a bit strange to actually describe my job and how the…
Everybody’s a Hacker
This post is based on a presentation that I originally created for the Auckland Tableau User Group (#AKLTUG) in December 2016 and then extended for the Tableau Fringe Festival APAC (#TFFAPAC) in August 2017. It’s best consumed as what it is: a talk! So I encourage you to watch the recording of the #TFFAPAC talk…