Tag: Tableau Conference
The Future of Tableau!?
Disclaimer: What follows is my personal take on these announcements, all of these assumptions and predictions were made based on the webinar itself and my experience with the platform. We will see how accurate those are in a few months I guess. Unless you spent the last few weeks under a rock, you will have…
Where does Tableau’s 4th wave take us?
Tableau presented their vision for the 4th wave of analytics at this year’s Tableau Conference. Does that mean a redevelopment of the platform? How does it fit in with Salesforce? And will we all be replaced by AI?
The Self-Funding Guide to Tableau Conference
This year’s Tableau Conference is over; 8,000 people are back home and most of them are hopefully inspired and energised or have at least learned some valuable new thing about Tableau and data. For me it was the 3rd Tableau Conference I attended and the 3rd time I fully self-funded my trip. If you had…